
Email Marahton
October 24-November 18

Join our next Bodygraph Chart Bootcamp to Grow your Email List with Intention!

with Vickie Dickson

Human Design Business Strategist
This is a “Choose Your Own Adventure” race so that you can go at your own pace, over the course of our 26 days together
No matter what stage you’re at with email, we have the pathway for you.

Vickie is busy behind the scenes creating not one, but THREE Bootcamps that will run simultaneously.

Consider her your pacer for this marathon.

How it works

  • Everyone will cross the finish line by running your own race at your own pace.

  • You’ll be asked to “Choose Your Own Adventure” so that you receive only the emails that are relevant to you in your email with in your inbox.

  • 3 LIVE CALLS with Vickie where she'll answer your questions, trouble shoot, and guide you to the finish line!

Choose Your Own Adventure:

  • Pathway

    The Starting Line

    (For beginners)

    Who’s this for?

    The Rookie Runner 🏃‍♂️
    This stage is all about discovering the basics of email marketing and taking those first steps towards winning the race!

    Here we’ll do everything from setting up your email platform, to building your welcome sequence, to crafting those first few emails that will get you in the swing of regularly communicating with your people.

  • Pathway

    The Sprint Zone

    (For people afraid to email their list)

    Who’s this for?

    The Hesitant Sprinter 🏃‍♀️
    You’ve got the equipment (email list), but you’re holding back. Maybe you feel like you’ve been a
    B🐑🐑d email marketer. If you have an email list but don’t email them because you don’t know what to say this option is for you!

    Here we’ll begin to warm up and segment your list so that you have the confidence you need in order to email them regularly and not feel like you’re ‘bothering’ them.

    We’ll create a sequence to familiarize the people on your list with your brand and what you have to offer and then we’ll craft emails together that deliver value and keep people in your world.

  • Pathway

    The Champion's Circuit

    (For those emailing without a strategy that works)

    Who’s this for?

    The Training Pro 🏅
    You've been on the track for a while, but now it’s time to refine your strategy and level up. The Champion’s Circuit is all about turning regular emails into impactful, value-driven content that wins the race.

    Maybe your email list is slowly growing and you’re sending out semi-regular to regular emails but you feel like you’re not really saying anything of importance.Instead, you sit at your computer, agonizing over what to say, and then just send something that gets it checked off your list.

    Here we’ll look at getting crystal clear on who you’re serving, what you offer them, and how to send info that’s both of value and entices people to work with you further.