Which house systems are available?
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Which house systems are available?
You can choose between the following house systems:
- Equal
- Whole sign
- Placidus
- Alcabitius
- Campanu
- sequal (MC)
- Carter poli-equ.
- horizon/azimut
- Sunshine
- Sunshine/alt.
- Koch
- Pullen SD
- Morinus
- equal 1=Aries
- Porphyry
- Pullen SR
- Regiomontanus
- Sripati
- Polich/Page
- Krusinski-Pisa-Goelzer
- equal/Vehlow
- axial rotation system/Meridian houses
- APC houses
Generate Chart
To change the house system in the astrology chart in ‘Generate Chart’ proceed as follows:
- Click: ‘More Actions’
- Click on the drop down menu to select a housing system
My Reports
To change the house system in the astrology chart in ‘My Reports’ proceed as follows:
- Click on the settings icon at the top left
- Click: ‘Astrology’ and select a house system
Similar questions:
How to change the house system in the tool ‘Generate Chart’ or ‘My Reports’?
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