Selling Human Design Reports vs. Selling Readings: How to Create a Harmonious Business Model

In today’s episode of The Pulse on Human Design, we’re diving into a common concern that many practitioners face: the fear that offering lower-priced Human Design reports might cannibalize the sales of higher-priced readings. It’s a valid concern, and one that deserves a thoughtful exploration, especially when you’re trying to build a sustainable, profitable business.

Vickie Dickson

Human Design Business Consultant

A listener recently asked, “I’m creating a $49 report, and I have $125 readings. How can I ensure that the $49 report won’t take away from people booking readings?” This is a great question, and it’s rooted in a belief that many of us have encountered at some point in our entrepreneurial journey. But I’m here to invite you to reframe this belief and consider how these two offerings can actually complement each other, rather than compete.

The Value of Offering Both Reports and Readings

Let’s start by acknowledging that not everyone is ready or able to book a one-on-one reading. Financial constraints, uncertainty about the value, or simply being new to Human Design can all play a role in this. A lower-priced report, like a $49 or $97 manuscript, provides an accessible entry point for these individuals. It serves those who might never choose to invest in a full reading but still want to gain insights into their Human Design.

However, even the most comprehensive report can’t replace the personalized experience of a one-on-one reading. No matter how much information you pack into a report, it’s still just information. The real transformation happens when you, as a practitioner, are in the room with your client, guiding them through the nuances of their design and helping them apply it to their unique life circumstances.

The Power of Interpretation in Human Design

Human Design is both a science and an art. The science lies in the accuracy of the information, while the art is in the interpretation. When you’re in a reading with someone, you’re not just delivering information; you’re curating that information to meet them where they are. You’re helping them understand how to use their design to move forward in their life, business, or relationships.

This is why your readings should never feel like a firehose of information. Instead, they should be a dialogue, a back-and-forth where you get to know your client and provide them with insights that are directly applicable to their current situation. This personalized approach is something that a report alone simply can’t provide.

Pricing Your Human Design Readings

Let’s talk about pricing for a moment. In my experience, $125 for a 90-minute reading is quite low, especially given the value you’re providing. If you’re new to your business and this is where you’re comfortable, that’s okay—but I would encourage you to push yourself a little. Pricing should feel slightly uncomfortable. If you’re booking readings easily at this price point, it might be time to consider raising your rates.

One strategy you can use is to start referring to your current pricing as “introductory pricing.” This sets the stage for a price increase after you’ve booked a certain number of readings—say, every three to five bookings, you raise the price by $25 or $50. This gradual increase not only reflects your growing confidence and expertise but also signals to your clients that your services are in demand.

How Reports Can Lead to More Readings

Contrary to the belief that reports will take away from readings, I’ve found the opposite to be true. For example, I offer a manuscript for $97, and I include a coupon code in that report for a discounted reading, valid within a certain timeframe. This creates a sense of urgency and encourages clients to take the next step.

The beauty of this approach is that the report often whets their appetite for more. After reading through their report, many clients realize that they need more personalized guidance to fully understand and apply the information. That’s where your reading comes in, providing the interpretation and tailored advice that a report can’t offer on its own.

Additionally, you can offer a “bump” offer at the end of the booking process—a discounted report that complements the reading. This not only provides added value to the client but also deepens their understanding of their design before the session, making the reading even more impactful.

Embrace Both Reports and Readings in Your Business

As you consider adding reports to your offerings, remember that these tools are not in competition with your readings—they are partners. They serve different purposes for different types of clients, and together, they create a more robust, accessible business model.

Think back to when you first discovered Human Design. Did you have more questions or fewer after that initial discovery? For most of us, the answer is more questions. Human Design is a deep, rich field, and the more we learn, the more we want to explore. This is the journey your clients are on as well, and offering both reports and readings gives them multiple ways to engage with you and deepen their understanding.

If you’re grappling with this concern in your own business, I encourage you to experiment with offering both reports and readings. Watch how they can work together to enhance your clients’ experiences and drive more sales. And if you have questions or want to continue the conversation, please join the discussion in our community. Let’s explore this together and see how we can all grow our Human Design businesses in a way that feels aligned and abundant.

This blog post is designed to resonate with those interested in Human Design, business growth, and creating passive income. By addressing common concerns and offering practical solutions, it aims to attract readers who are looking to build a sustainable Human Design practice.


Vickie Dickson

It’s me, Vickie.
I'm on a mission to stop the endless 'shoulding on yourself' so that you build the life, relationships, and business you're made for.
As a 30 year veteran of the entrepreneurial space, I’ve successfully owned just about every type of business there is. As a Manifesting Generator, I’ve taken them all the way to the top and then moved on to the next thing that I’m passionate about.
There’s a special place in my heart for entrepreneurial newbies and people who make building a business more complicated than it is which keeps them stuck, spinning their wheels.
I’m living the dream here at Bodygraph Chart helping Human Design practitioners build the business of their dreams without breaking their brain or their life!
If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
I’ve got you.💙



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