Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?

As an entrepreneur, you must possess the discipline to perform the tasks necessary to propel your business forward no matter what your Human Design is.
Spoiler alert: nobody is coming to save you.

Vickie Dickson

Human Design Business Consultant

This blog post explores whether entrepreneurship is an inherent trait or something that can be learned. Let’s dive in and unpack what it truly means to be an entrepreneur.

If you’d prefer to listen to the audio version, here’s the link to the podcast episode.

The Entrepreneur vs. Employee Mindset

According to Google, the primary difference between an entrepreneurial mindset and an employee mindset is simple: while entrepreneurs create their own careers and opportunities, employees often view their careers as something that happens to them.

Why Being an Entrepreneur is Empowering:

As entrepreneurs we are essentially money-making machines, capable of creating our own wealth.

  • Need funds for an unexpected expense? Create an offer and sell it.
  • Looking to expand your business? Take on more clients temporarily to generate capital.
  • Ready for a vacation? Run a sale on your digital products!

Of course, sustainable business practices are crucial, but the ability to generate income on demand is a powerful aspect of entrepreneurship. You are in control of your destiny, free from the constraints of a boss, coworkers, or an undesirable team environment. However, this freedom can be both a gift and a challenge.

You know what I mean, right?

The Dual Nature of Entrepreneurship

Being in complete control means you determine your work schedule, the amount of time you invest in projects, and how or if you show up to promote your business. This autonomy is exhilarating but also requires immense self-discipline.

  • As an employee, the success of the company doesn’t solely rest on your shoulders. As an entrepreneur, it absolutely does.
  • You won’t receive a bank bailout, additional team members, or customer service support without your own efforts.
  • The success and failures of your business are your responsibility alone.

Discipline and Ownership

Entrepreneurship demands discipline. You must consistently do the things that move your business forward because no one else will do it for you. This sense of ownership is what differentiates successful entrepreneurs from those who struggle.

Reflective Questions:

  • How can you show up and take ownership of your business today?
  • What’s the next risk or discomfort you’ll face to grow your business?

No matter what your human design is, facing discomfort is a part of business growth.
Embrace it, and use it to propel yourself forward as you grow your business with paying clients.

Building a Supportive Community
One of the challenges of entrepreneurship is the lack of immediate feedback and support. This is where community becomes invaluable.

Join Our Community:

If you want to be in the room with other Human Design readers and entrepreneurs, join our Facebook community. You may be in business FOR yourself but you don’t have to be in business BY yourself!

Entrepreneurship is both a challenge and an opportunity. It requires a mindset shift from seeing your career as something that happens to you, to something you actively create and control. Discipline, ownership, and community support are key elements to succeeding in this journey.
Are you ready to take control of your destiny as an entrepreneur?
The Bodygraph Chart platform helps you to automate many parts of your Human Design business so that you can focus on the things that matter. Start your free trial today.

Vickie Dickson

It’s me, Vickie.
I'm on a mission to stop the endless 'shoulding on yourself' so that you build the life, relationships, and business you're made for.
As a 30 year veteran of the entrepreneurial space, I’ve successfully owned just about every type of business there is. As a Manifesting Generator, I’ve taken them all the way to the top and then moved on to the next thing that I’m passionate about.
There’s a special place in my heart for entrepreneurial newbies and people who make building a business more complicated than it is which keeps them stuck, spinning their wheels.
I’m living the dream here at Bodygraph Chart helping Human Design practitioners build the business of their dreams without breaking their brain or their life!
If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
I’ve got you.💙



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