Join our next Bodygraph Chart Bootcamp to Grow your Email List! Arrow

Vickie Dickson

True to her Manifesting Generator nature, Vickie has done many incredible things in her 30+ years as an entrepreneur.

Her first ‘business’ was sewing kleenexes together to make Barbie doll dresses at age 5, which was way more than 30 years ago!

Over the course of 3 decades, she’s owned and operated successful bricks and mortar and online stores, held a position in the top 1% of direct sales leaders, founded a holistic health practice, coached hundreds of business owners, and lots more!

There’s a special place in her heart for women who find themselves stuck in burnout and indecision, not living lives of purpose.

It’s her firm belief that an army of people living life intentionally will change the world. And she’s here to help you do that, through your own entrepreneurial journey.

As a Human Design Business Strategist, Vickie is here to hold your feet to the fire so that you can do what you came here to do. She holds you accountable to your gifts. Period.

Being in the room with Vickie is a magical experience. She sees what others don’t and offers laser focused insights designed to propel you forward on your mission.

Ready to get unstuck so that you can do what you came here to do?

Vickie's Commitment:

  • Her commitment is to YOU, the Human Design professional who longs to have a business that pays well and ensures that you have the impact that you came here to have.
    Vickie's brand has been described as nurturing fire and her commitment is to nurture you while holding you accountable to yourself and the goals you've set. Yes. You get to do business your way.
    That still means you DO BUSINESS. There's no fluff with Vickie. She brings the goods.


  • Certifications: Vickie holds certifications in Human Design, Coaching, Nutrition, Reiki, Yoga, and Copywriting.
  • Educational Background: She's studied marketing for over 20 years, learning anything and everything she can to keep up to current trends and honour age old truths.


Upcoming webinar

October 24, 2024 7:00 pm GMT+0


Email Marahton October 24-November 18

Join our next Bodygraph Chart Bootcamp to Grow your Email List with Intention! This is a “Choose Your Own Adventure” race so that you can go at your own pace, over the course of our 26 days together
No matter what stage you’re at with email, we have the pathway for you.

Watch recordings

  • Plan Your Black Friday Success NOW

    Thursday October 10th - 3pm EDT

    Join us to plan your Black Friday Sales! Black Friday is THE DAY to make bank in your business. In this session Vickie Dickson will walk you through a solid plan for creating and selling offers that people really want. She'll take you through exactly when and how to start marketing so that people engage with you and buy your products.

    Don't have products yet?

    Don't worry! She'll cover how to validate offers and sell before you create as well. Join us to claim your piece of the Black Friday pie!

    There's enough for everyone!

  • Finish 2024 strong with Vickie Dickson

    We're officially halfway through the year.
    Will you reach your 2024 goals?
    Would you like some help to get back on track?

  • Day 4. Turn your Reports into Revenue in just 21 days!

    Join our 21 day VIP Experience to master creating your very own Human Design Reading Report so that you have a passive income stream set up in your business.

  • Day 5. Turn your Reports into Revenue in just 21 days!

    Join our 21 day VIP Experience to master creating your very own Human Design Reading Report so that you have a passive income stream set up in your business.

  • Day 6. Turn your Reports into Revenue in just 21 days!

    Join our 21 day VIP Experience to master creating your very own Human Design Reading Report so that you have a passive income stream set up in your business.

  • Playlist for all 6 Days. Turn your Reports into Revenue in just 21 days!

    Join our 21 day VIP Experience to master creating your very own Human Design Reading Report so that you have a passive income stream set up in your business.

  • Passive Income Rocks! Join Vickie’s Dickson Webinar!

    Create your first Paid Report with Bodygraph Chart.

  • Write your Welcome Sequence with Vickie Dickson

    In this 1 hour session, Vickie will run through:
    - why you need a welcome sequence
    - how many emails should be in your welcome sequence
    - how to ensure you're not annoying people with your emails
    - what to say in each email in your sequence

  • Build your Human Design Business Bootcamp

    Get ready to grow your audience and start earning serious money with your Human Design business! Join our 5-day challenge to learn how to attract more leads using Bodygraph Chart Tools. It's your chance to take your business to the next level!

  • 5 Steps to Gain Visibility in Business

    In order to grow your business, you’ve gotta get visible!
    In this webinar, Vickie Dickson, a highly visible, introverted entrepreneur and former shy girl, will walk you through 5 things you must do in order to stand up and be counted in your business. Watch now recording.