The Nasty Truth About Following your Human Design in Business
In the world of Human Design, there’s a pervasive myth that if you follow your design, everything will fall into place effortlessly. You can sit back and wait for the money to come in, never bothering to put the systems in place or do the things to run your empire.
Vickie Dickson
Human Design Business Consultant
While aligning with your design brings ease, building a business comes with its share of challenges and discomforts. Let’s dive into this myth and explore the true nature of entrepreneurship within the context of Human Design.
Brace yourself.
You’re probably going to want to throat punch me from time to time as you read this.
Repeat after me…… The resistance is the gift. 😝
The Myth of Effortless Entrepreneurship – Building your Business According to your Human Design
The Myth: If you follow your Human Design Type and Strategy, the stars will align, birds will sing, and you’ll effortlessly build your business while lounging on the couch, eating bon bons.
The Reality: While there are moments of flow and alignment, entrepreneurship also involves discomfort and at least a little blood, sweat and tears, no matter what your Human Design.
A wonderful human design coach, Shakti Rios, once told me, “Living your human design is not always convenient, but it is always correct.” This has stuck with me because it’s a reminder that while aligning with your design can make business more enjoyable, it doesn’t eliminate the need for hard work or mean that you’ll always be taking the path of least resistance.
In fact, you may often face resistance as you build your business.
And that’s ok.
Justine Musk,(Elon Musk’s ex-wife) once said that to become a successful entrepreneur, you have to get really good at dealing with stress. You need to be able to handle a level of stress that would break most people and once you get good at it, it doesn’t feel stressful anymore.
Before the pitchforks come out, let me explain why I think she’s right:
There will be times in your business where it’s really, really easy.
The days when you think to yourself “My GOD, why isn’t everyone an entrepreneur?”
And then there will be the other days.
No matter if you’re rested, you’ve waited out your decision until the cows come home, or the moon has done its thing, there will STILL be hard days.
There will be days when you don’t want to do the things you know you need to do.
There will be days when systems break down.
There will be difficult customers and refund requests to deal with.
That’s just life when you’re in business because… business is business.
And while it should be the most natural thing in the world to show up as your highest self, especially as a Human Design expert, conditioning is a real thing.
It never fails, the thing that you’re most here to do, the gift that comes the easiest to you, is the thing you’ve been most conditioned away from.
Because it’s with your gifts that you shine your light into the darkness so of course that’s where you’ll have the most conditioning.
Let me share an example:
One of my clients has Gate 34, the Gate of Power, defined four times in her design. Despite this, she spent her 30-year career softening herself to fit into a corporate environment, especially among male counterparts. Now, stepping into her true power feels uncomfortable and is met with a lot of resistance, both from herself and others.
She’s an ego Manifestor who desperately wants to run a successful business but these demons keep coming for her, trying to keep her small. We’ve been working a lot on delegating the tasks that don’t require her touch – and that’s something you can do in your own business.
Please hear me when I say this:
Just because things need to be done in your business, does not mean you need to be the one doing them all!
Check out this episode of The Pulse where I take you through the math of exactly what to delegate and how to get it off your plate.
Shifting Your Mindset around Human Design
Please don’t use your Human Design as an excuse to avoid building your business with intention. The world needs what you have to offer now more than ever before. This is your invitation to step into the highest expression of your design and show others the way as you do so.
Practical Exercise: Embrace The Gifts of your Human Design in Business
I want to give you a fun little exercise to do. If you’re part of the Bodygraph Chart community, you may have done this with me before. It’s a fun thing to do and it’s a beautiful work of art to leave in your office where you’ll see it every day.
Get whatever feels fun to you. You can create a collage, write in crayon, paint, cut up magazines, whatever you want. Look at every single piece of your design:
➡️ Your Type, Strategy, and Authority
➡️ Your Channels
➡️ Your Gates
➡️ Your Centres
➡️ Your Profile
Create something that represents the highest expression of each of these pieces of your design.THAT’S what you’ll hold yourself to as you build your business. We need THAT version of you running the show, ok? Too many times we focus on our shadows and our not self themes. This is different. This is all about the highest potential in your design.
Automating Your Business
When you’re ready to streamline your business, the BodyGraph Chart platform will help you to get to the next level. Our software allows you to:
➡️ Create Human Design charts that match your brand and embed them on your website.
➡️ Build a website if you don’t have one.
➡️ Connect your CRM.
➡️ Create free and paid reports to build a passive income stream.
➡️ Grow your email list.
➡️ and more!
Living your human design means embracing the entire design, not just the convenient parts. Challenge yourself to operate from the highest expression of your design in your business.
I’m gonna hold you to it!
Vickie Dickson
It’s me, Vickie.
I'm on a mission to stop the endless 'shoulding on yourself' so that you build the life, relationships, and business you're made for.
As a 30 year veteran of the entrepreneurial space, I’ve successfully owned just about every type of business there is. As a Manifesting Generator, I’ve taken them all the way to the top and then moved on to the next thing that I’m passionate about.
There’s a special place in my heart for entrepreneurial newbies and people who make building a business more complicated than it is which keeps them stuck, spinning their wheels.
I’m living the dream here at Bodygraph Chart helping Human Design practitioners build the business of their dreams without breaking their brain or their life!
If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
I’ve got you.💙