When is the Best Time to Start a Business?

The workplace has changed drastically in the last 4 years. Jobs that were once thought of as secure have completely disappeared from the business landscape. Job sharing and working from home is now the norm and most of us have more than one iron in the fire.

Vickie Dickson

Human Design Business Consultant

This question comes up over and over again with my clients.

Vickie, I’ve been wanting to start a business for forever but the timing just isn’t right because:

➡ we’re in a recession!
➡ I don’t know enough yet!
➡ I don’t have all of the systems in place!

In this article, I’m going to cover 3 reasons why NOW is the best time to start your business.
A woman working on her laptop with the words 3 Reasons Now is the Best Time to Start your Business

1 – The 2027 Mutation is Upon Us

Energetically, everything is shifting. If you’ve been on planet Earth for any length of time at all, you can feel the changes. Human Design is needed now more than ever before. People need tools to come back to themselves so that they can make decisions that are right for them. And you are just the person to introduce them to those tools.

2 – You are the Only Thing You can Rely on 100% of the Time

The workplace has changed drastically in the last 4 years. Jobs that were once thought of as secure have completely disappeared from the business landscape. Job sharing and working from home is now the norm and most of us have more than one iron in the fire. Having your own business, or at least a side hustle, gives you a Plan B for if (when) things go haywire again. You know what you’re capable of. You know you can put in the work to get the job done. If you build it now, you’ll be ready for whatever happens next.

3 – We are in a Recession

Which makes now the perfect time to start a business.
First, because you can use the extra cash. The cost of everything is rising and having another stream of income makes a difference. Second, people need coaching, particularly Human Design coaching, in a recession more than any other time! It’s an industry that doesn’t stagnate in financial downtimes. I once heard a multi-millionaire say that there are 2 kinds of people who will hire a coach during a recession:

Someone who has nothing to lose and someone who has something to protect.

People ARE spending money to build their dreams.
You have insider knowledge that can help them to do it in complete alignment with who they came here to be.

Why on earth would you sit on that?

How to Start your Human Design Business

2 women at a desk chatting over coffee with the text How to Start Your Human Design Business

At Bodygraph Chart, we offer all of the tools you need to get your Human Design Business started. With your subscription to our app, you’ll be able to set up your custom website, integrate branded Human Design charts, and start to build your email list.

You can even start selling custom Human Design reports right away!

Start your free trial today!

We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Vickie Dickson

It’s me, Vickie.
I'm on a mission to stop the endless 'shoulding on yourself' so that you build the life, relationships, and business you're made for.
As a 30 year veteran of the entrepreneurial space, I’ve successfully owned just about every type of business there is. As a Manifesting Generator, I’ve taken them all the way to the top and then moved on to the next thing that I’m passionate about.
There’s a special place in my heart for entrepreneurial newbies and people who make building a business more complicated than it is which keeps them stuck, spinning their wheels.
I’m living the dream here at Bodygraph Chart helping Human Design practitioners build the business of their dreams without breaking their brain or their life!
If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
I’ve got you.💙



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