How to Export/Import Language?

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My Content (Language)

How to Export/Import Language?

To Export/Import Language please follow the steps listed below:


1. Go to My Content tool.
2. Select the language that you want to export.
3. Press 3 little dots next to that language and select ‘Export’.
4. It will instantly will download excel file to your device where you will be able to make your edits and translations.


1. Go to My Content tool.
2. Press ‘Import’ button at the top right corner.
3. Select the excel file that you exported and edited earlier and press ‘Import’.
4. That will create new language at My Content that you now able to use for your charts and for your reports.

NOTE: No extra tabs, columns, rows can be added to the file. File must be saved as original .xlsx format for importation. If some of the fields appear as Locked/Password protected please upgrade office tools or try opening the file at Google sheets/MC sheets

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