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Chart integration to Website
Newsletter app integration
Payment apps
My Content (Language)
Reading reports
Frequency reports
Generate chart
Business Website
Data storage apps
My Chart Designs
How to connect to my CMS
Custom properties
My Account
Bodygraph Chart API
Relationship Chart
Chart Presentation
My agreement checkbox does not show up on the form?
I can not find Terms and conditions or Privacy Policy content example
My chart generator stopped working at my website
My embedded chart shows as a code at the website
My chart results does not include birth date, location, etc.
Chart design on my website is not what I created
I can not check Statistics older than 90 days
I can not find specific birth location
Report widget does not appear on the website
My chart defined centers are incorrect
My email field does not show on the website
My newsletter/data storage app does not collect data from my website
My chart result are different from other calculators
The email field is enabled but it does not collect emails.
My chart results are 'cut off'/ misaligned/ squished
Fail of the payment app -Troubleshooting
Get started
Chart integration to Website
Newsletter app integration
Payment apps
My Content (Language)
Reading reports
Frequency reports
Generate chart
Business Website
Data storage apps
My Chart Designs
How to connect to my CMS
Custom properties
My Account
Bodygraph Chart API
Relationship Chart
Chart Presentation