What is Frequency Report?

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Frequency reports

What is Frequency Report?

The Frequency Report is a spiritual guide based on the idea that each person has a unique genetic blueprint that influences their life and development. It combines insights from human design, astrology, the I-Ching philosophy, and other esoteric teachings to help people gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their place in the universe.

Teachings of the Frequency report

Self-knowledge and Transformation: The primary goal of the Frequency Report is to help people recognize and fulfill their full potential. This is achieved by understanding and integrating the various aspects of their personality and genetic blueprint.

The 64 Gates: These correspond to the 64 Gates of Human Design and represent different archetypes of human experiences and potentials. Also, each Gate has three frequency levels: Shadow, Gift, and Mastery.

The Hologenetic Profile: This is a personal profile based on one’s birth date, helping to identify the specific Gates and their meanings in an individual’s life.

The Path

The path in the Frequency Report refers to the process of self-discovery and transformation that one undergoes by working with the Gates. There are several steps and sequences in the path:

The Incarnation Sequence: This focuses on discovering and understanding one’s life purpose.
The Love Sequence: This focuses on emotional transformation and healing in relationships.
The Prosperity Sequence: This focuses on the manifestation of prosperity and one’s true vocation in life.


Handling Different Frequencies in gates

Mastery: This is the highest frequency level and represents ultimate spiritual potential. Mastery represents the highest state of enlightenment and realization, fully expressing a person’s true essence.

Gift: This middle frequency level represents the potential unleashed when you transform the Shadow. The Gift showcases the positive qualities and abilities that emerge when you integrate and overcome the Shadow

Shadow: This is the lowest frequency level and represents negative patterns and challenges. The Shadow often stands for fear, insecurity, and other limiting emotions or behaviors. Dealing with it involves recognizing and accepting these shadow aspects to transform them.



The lines are essential elements that reveal the deeper meaning and application of the Gates. They serve as keys to unlocking the wisdom of the Gates in a personal and practical way. By understanding and integrating the lines, you can harness the archetypal energies of the Gates effectively in your life, thereby fostering personal development and self-awareness.


Gate 20: Presence

Gate 20 is about the importance of being fully present in the here and now. You learn that true presence arises from a state of inner clarity and peace, consciously experiencing the richness of the present moment.

Line 3: Change Artist

This line is always on a journey of discovery. You are the adventurer who constantly treads new paths. You embrace change, learn from mistakes, and adapt to evolve. Your life is dynamic and full of learning opportunities that make you stronger and wiser.

Practical Application:

  1. Understand the Importance of Gate 20:
    • Gate 20 encourages you to be present in the moment and find the clarity and peace necessary to fully experience the present.
  2. Integrate Line 3:
    • As a Change Artist in Gate 20, this means you find presence through change and adaptation. You learn to be in the moment by constantly discovering new paths and adapting to changing circumstances.
  3. Reflect and Observe:
    • Consider how often you are truly present in the moment and what role change plays in your life. Are you open to new experiences and willing to adapt?
  4. Implement:
    • When you find yourself in a new or unexpected situation, remind yourself to be present and consciously experience the situation. See every change as an opportunity to grow and evolve in the here and now

How to use Frequency Report?

Frequency Report can be built at My Reading Reports tool and then sold for your customers at your integrated charts.

You can either purchase and use one of our Frequency report templates or build your own using Frequency shortcodes and graphics.


The Frequency Report content/language is copyrighted by Bodygraph Chart and must be used with the original meanings of Frequency language. While you can adjust and change the meanings and descriptions at My Content tool to create your own unique language, you may not copy any other similar systems’ languages, as this would violate copyright laws. Therefore, if you choose to use the language of other systems, Bodygraph Chart will not be held liable for any legal consequences that may arise if the creators of those systems take legal action.

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