Marketing your Human Design Reports

It goes without saying that you’ll lean into your own Human Design when marketing, just like everything else in your life and business.
That being said, marketing is marketing and it must be done.
I said what I said. 😜

Vickie Dickson

Human Design Business Consultant

Marketing your Human Design report starts BEFORE you’ve created it

Marketing can be fun, as long as you have a system in place. In this post, we’re going to talk about 3 easy ways to market your Human Design reports so that you don’t dread it so much that you avoid it, which means that you’ll never sell anything!

Selling starts BEFORE you create your report

Woman holding an ipad with a photo of a Human Design chart with the wording how to sell your human design reports

Now I know you’re thinking; ‘WHAT? How can I sell something before I’ve created it?’
Hang in there with me while I walk you through why you want to sell your report before you’ve created it.

Think about this;
You could spend months creating something that people don’t want. Pre-selling it, or at the very least pre-marketing it by doing market research with your audience, gives you the opportunity to validate your idea. You’ll be 100% certain that your audience wants the report that you’re creating. This is GOLD.

You’ll also get paid to create the report rather than spending days, weeks, or months toiling away on something that isn’t what your people are interested in buying.

3 Easy Ways to Market your Human Design Reports

1. Bring people on the journey with you as you create your report.

Your audience loves to go behind the curtain with you.
Let them see your messy desk, the long walks you’re taking to clear your head, the late night hours or early mornings you’re spending on the report.

Make it fun and interesting for them!

Give them a sneak peak into the content. Instagram has fun frames that you can add to your stories to give them a preview or you can just scroll through your report with a camera over your shoulder to capture what you’re working on. If you’re worried about them seeing too much, you can speed it up in an app like Capcut or Inshot.

Ask questions and do polls on your stories about Human Design and/or your report.
This will give you loads of insight into what people are responding to as you go along.

2. Nail your Message so that your Ideal Client Understands how you Help her.

Get crystal clear on the benefit of what you’re selling and communicate it clearly to your audience.

People don’t part with their money for things like ‘peace of mind, more confidence, or self love.

They buy what that will do for them. They need to understand exactly how their life will be different because they now have this thing.

Woman looking at her phone smiling because a sale has come in. Words on graphic say clarify your message to increase your sales

For example:
(This is a real life example from our Reports to Revenue Call)

Customer is a SAHM (stay at home mom)
She’s looking for peace of mind.
Why does she want peace of mind?

She’ll be able to do the dishes and keep up to the house.
Why does that matter?

Because then she isn’t overwhelmed. She has a sense of control.
Why does that matter?

Because then she has more patience.
Why does that matter?

Because then she’s not yelling at her kids. She can be present with them.
Why does that matter?

Customer is a SAHM (stay at home mom)
She’s looking for peace of mind.
Why does she want peace of mind?

She’ll be able to do the dishes and keep up to the house.
Why does that matter?

Because then she isn’t overwhelmed. She has a sense of control.
Why does that matter?

Because then she has more patience.
Why does that matter?

Because then she’s not yelling at her kids. She can be present with them.
Why does that matter?

Because then she’s a good mom.

THAT is the message you’re conveying in your posts.

She’s buying the ability to believe that she’s a good mom.
That’s the peace of mind she needs.
And if you never say that, she won’t buy a damn thing from you.

She’ll follow you forever and consume your free content.
She’ll engage and tell you how much you inspire her.
But she won’t buy anything from you.

Because she doesn’t get that you get her.

Let her know that you get her by going deeper than most are willing to go with your messaging.

Messaging is the number one piece of your sales strategy.
Once you nail that, the rest is easy.

On my own blog, I created a post that walks you through exactly how to lean into your Human Design to create content that lands with your ideal client.

In it you’ll find links to a free podcast series and workbook that will help you to get crystal clear on what you’re here to say, how you need to say it, and who you’re speaking to so that you have the impact you’re here to have.

3. Take the Yuck out of Sales by Scheduling them in your Content Plan

The easiest way to sell your Human Design reports, and everything else in your business, without overthinking it or feeling ‘too salesy’ is to schedule it into your content plan.

Happy family spending time together outside with the text How to use a content plan to create time freedom

The easiest content plan in the world is just to choose different days of the week for different types of content and stick to it.

If you’re using a social media scheduler (I love Smarter Queue so much that I share an affiliate link for them that gives you double the trial period) you can easily follow a basic schedule such as this:

Monday – behind the scenes content in your business
Tuesday – testimonials
Wednesday – talk about your offer/report and sell it in your stories.
Thursday – throwback to a time before you knew what you know now in your business
Friday – hot tip for using Human Design (according to your ‘niche’)
Saturday / Sunday – a glimpse into your life

👆🏻All of this can be scheduled ahead of time if you’d like. The sales posts can even run on repeat. In Smarter Queue you can even repurpose your posts with a different photo so that they look fresh in your feed and story. This is one of the features that I love the most.

Whether you use a scheduler or not, putting your ‘selling’ posts on auto-pilot makes them just another thing that gets done in your business and not something you can fall into paralysis by analysis or comparisonitis over.

It’s on the schedule so it gets done.

And done is better than perfect, my friend.

Bonus Tip:

Get into the habit of talking about your offers on a regular basis, especially in your stories, so that your audience is used to the idea of paying you for your services.

Prior to 2020, statistics showed that people needed 7 touches before making a purchase. At the time of this writing, that number is now 27 – and climbing.

You’re not talking about your offers too much.
You’re not too salesy.
You’re the only person who sees 100% of what you post.

Now…. go and sell that report on auto-pilot so that you can do the BIG THINGS you came here to do!!
You’ve got this!

Vickie Dickson

It’s me, Vickie.
I'm on a mission to stop the endless 'shoulding on yourself' so that you build the life, relationships, and business you're made for.
As a 30 year veteran of the entrepreneurial space, I’ve successfully owned just about every type of business there is. As a Manifesting Generator, I’ve taken them all the way to the top and then moved on to the next thing that I’m passionate about.
There’s a special place in my heart for entrepreneurial newbies and people who make building a business more complicated than it is which keeps them stuck, spinning their wheels.
I’m living the dream here at Bodygraph Chart helping Human Design practitioners build the business of their dreams without breaking their brain or their life!
If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
I’ve got you.💙